Get Out In It


Get Out In It was born out of our love for being outside and our deep understanding of the importance of the outdoors for personal development, health, and happiness.We are focused on helping people get in touch with themselves through movement and connecting to nature. We do not provide boot camps or detox weeks - we allow each person time and space to ease into exercise while gaining an understanding of how simple and pleasurable activity and health can be.We provide personal coaching (remote and in person) and run residential health and well-being camps in the French Alpes.You’ll leave a Get Out In It week feeling relaxed and energised. You’ll be armed with the tools you need to continue your journey into movement, why it’s important to take those crucial steps towards a more healthy version of you - and how easy it is to get started!Fill in the form below to join our mailing list, get your free Personal Development Friend, and get up-to-date information on our 2023 camp dates :)



Come to one of our bespoke camps with luxury accommodations and daily outdoor activities, including guided hiking, running, and conditioning sessions, where you’ll learn about the importance of movement. We also offer dietary advice and healthy meal planning - all in a supportive and friendly environment!For more information and a detailed breakdown of our bespoke camps, click below!


Who Are We

Maria HerringMaria is a highly qualified teacher, published Science Fiction & Fantasy author and yoga instructor-in-training based in the Mont d’Or, France. She has almost 20 years experience in education and has been a life-long outdoors fanatic. No one who knew her pre-COVID, however, would’ve described her as ‘sporty’.Post-lockdown Maria knew that her physical and mental health needed some serious TLC, so she joined an outdoors fitness class once a week. Which became twice a week. Then three times a week. Although she’d never stopped hiking in the forest behind her house, in the summer of 2021 she did her first-ever-in-her-whole-life run - a 5km forest trail with James.Three months later in October 2021 she ran her first ever ultra-marathon - the 55km Ultra Trail Beaujolais Vert in France.These days, she’s a regular participant in the UTBV, the Bristol Half Marathon, Lyon Half Marathon, and various medium- and long-distance races in her local area.
She’s living proof that very ordinary people can achieve extraordinary fitness.
James BaleJames has anchored his life around endurance sports, taking up triathlon in 1998 at the age of 13. He’s followed the sport as it evolved from the 90s through the 2000s and onwards, and has competed at all distances up to Ironman, including Ironman Lanzarote and Ironman Switzerland. He’s also competed at the Alpe D’Huez Long Course and multiple half Ironman races. He’s a veteran London Marathoner, and has raced countless half marathons and triathlons all over the world. His current focus is ultramarathon events.A qualified British Triathlon coach, James now puts the majority of his efforts into helping others achieve their goals no matter their starting point. He works with a range of athletes but particularly enjoys helping those that are taking their first tentative steps into the seemingly confusing world of self-improvement. He specialises in demystifying and simplifying health and well-being; helping people of all levels and abilities achieve their goals and find the very best version of themselves through movement.(Triathlon = swim, bike, run. Ironman = 3.9km swim, 180.2km bike, 42.2km run.
It’s not for the faint of heart. But it is for the insane of brain)


& YouTube

Listen to our weekly podcast and YouTube show for expert advice on the importance of being active, how to start moving, how to eat well, and why you need to get out in it!Sign up to our newsletter to get notifications of our podcasts and the latest info on fitness and well-being.


Follow us and get in touch for information on the upcoming camps and experiences

Personal Coaching

The first steps towards a more healthy you can seem daunting and confusing - there is so much information out there with many conflicting voices telling you how to start.We are here to help by demystifying and simplifying health and well-being - we offer individual coaching for anyone looking to find a healthier, happier, and more energetic version of themselves. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to build up to your first 5km (walk or run), improve your resistance to injury and illness, or line up for an ultra marathon. We are here for you.Having a supportive coach who understands your current ability and ambitions makes the journey so much easier. We remove the decision fatigue from having to plan your own activities and help keep you accountable to your long-term health and fitness goals.With years of experience, we are here to look after you with unlimited contact, weekly plans, and bespoke solutions to energise your life. Longevity is key - so let’s start now!Step 1 - Detailed ConsultationWe want to know all about you, where you are, what you want to achieve, and what else is in your life that we can account for.Step 2 - Personalised PlanThis is built around your life and takes into account everything you have to deal with daily. We will work with you to make sure this is achievable and fun.Step 3 - Regular Check-InsWe don’t just remotely issue a plan and expect you to get on with it; that is not what Get Out In It is about. We want to be a source of support and encouragement to help you on your way. We can monitor how things are going and tweak the plan as needed and ensure you’re getting the right balance of activity, rest, and nutrition.We offer a month-free trial for anyone interested in Get Out In It coaching - see below for our tiered pricing and get in touch today to start your journey:

TierIncludedCheck -InsMonthly Price
PlatinumBespoke plan set by head coach James Bale with daily advice and weekly updates, a weekly call & access to both JB&MH for accountability and encouragement (unlimited messaging), nutrition advice, tailored strength plan to supplement your movement, a review of your surroundings and assistance adding exercise and outdoor activity into your lifestyle. Help to select events and tailoring of your plan to meet those event goals with equipment selection advice and race day support.Weekly call - unlimited messaging200 euro
GoldBespoke plan set by head coach James Bale with daily advice and weekly updates, a bi-weekly call & access to both JB&MH for accountability and encouragement (unlimited messaging), nutrition advice, tailored strength plan to supplement your movement, a review of your surroundings and help fitting exercise and outdoor activity into your lifestyle.Fortnightly call - unlimited messaging150 euro
SilverBespoke plan set by head coach James Bale with weekly updates, a monthly call & access to both JB&MH for accountability and encouragement (weekly messaging), tailored strength plan to supplement your movement, a review of your surroundings and help fitting exercise and outdoor activity into your lifestyle.Monthly call - weekly messaging100 euro


Get Out In It Camps

Don’t know how to start your journey to extraordinary fitness? Does changing up your lifestyle feel too overwhelming? We’ve got your back! Let us do the work and you can have the fun!Join us on a Get Out In It camp, fully catered to your needs, and with our guidance you’ll see just how fun and simple it can be to change your life.

What's Included

  • A week in a friendly, inclusive environment where we guide you toward a healthier, more active you.

  • Whatever your starting point, you’ll be supported as you take those first steps towards exercise.

  • Stay in a shared room with ensuite facilities in a fully catered environment (individual rooms available if necessary)

  • Learn all the insider tips behind healthy eating and find out just how good it tastes! (Spoiler alert: it’s yummy)

  • Forge memories and friendships that will last a lifetime, in some of the most beautiful places in France.

  • At the end of the week, you’ll take away a tool kit, recipe booklet and goodie bag to help you stay on track with your shiny new healthy lifestyle!


Camp Breakdown

SundayN/AN/AN/AArrivalGroup get-together & Q&AGroup dinnerOutside get to know each other activity around the fire pit
MondayEssential intro to yoga sessionInfusion / Breakfast (if required)Hike or RunLarge LunchGroup Hike / Optional workshop followed by the refuel stationLight stretch and freshen up before dinnerEvening activity / Optional workshop
TuesdayMorning stretchInfusion / Breakfast (if required)Hike or RunLarge LunchGroup Hike / Optional workshop followed by the refuel stationLight stretch and freshen up before dinnerEvening activity / Optional workshop
WednesdayMorning stretchInfusion / Breakfast (if required)Hike or RunLarge LunchGroup Hike / Optional workshop followed by the refuel stationLight stretch and freshen up before dinnerEvening activity / Optional workshop
ThursdayMorning stretchInfusion / Breakfast (if required)Hike or RunLarge LunchGroup Hike / Optional workshop followed by the refuel stationLight stretch and freshen up before dinnerEvening activity / Optional workshop
FridayMorning stretchInfusion / Breakfast (if required)Hike or RunLunchGroup Hike / Optional workshop followed by the refuel stationLight stretch and freshen up before final night BBQWhat have we learned group session
SaturdayEarly morning group departure runInfusion / Breakfast (if required)PackingDeparture with tote bag and roadmap to successN/AN/AN/A


We Fuel Your Week

Every Get Out In It Camp is fully catered with fresh, healthy home-cooked meals designed to make you feel amazing and fuel your week with the right balance of macro and micronutrients.The accommodation will be filled with healthy food. You can eat whenever you feel hungry outside of our fixed meal times, but we recommend an eating window of 10am to 6pm. We’re strong advocates for time-restricted eating, and once you’ve discovered the extraordinary health benefits to this system, you will be too!
A morning snack will be provided at 10:00.
A sizeable home-cooked lunch to give you masses of energy for the afternoon activities..
An afternoon protein smoothie will feed those working muscles.
An early evening tapas dinner to refuel our bodies and them ready for the next day.
You’ll have never-ending access to healthy infusions, green teas, and homemade energy drinks alongside home-baked energy bars and healthy treats.At the end of the week, you’ll take home a booklet of recipes and a shopping list, so you know what to buy to make all the fantastic food.
(Pssst: it’s all simple stuff - you won’t need to buy random and weird ingredients that you can’t find in any supermarket)


Flexibility & Yoga

An essential part of your new healthier lifestyle is working on your flexibility, which means beginning and ending our days with some stretching. Your muscles and joints will love you for this. We’ll guide you through some simple, easily adaptable routines throughout your stay at the camp, and provide you with essential info to take with you when you leave so you can continue the practice at home.



Self-improvement is a big part of what we do - we want to empower you to be the best version of yourself and we all know knowledge is power!We will have guest speakers and resident experts giving seminars and workshops in relaxed outdoor surroundings to help you understand more about yourself and the day to day needs of the human experience.Workshops include:

  • Nutrition

  • Stress management

  • Sleep improvement

  • Mindfulness

  • The importance of exercise and how to implement

and many many more!

Continued Support

Coaching & Advice

The Get Out In It experience doesn’t begin at the door and end on the way out. We want to equip you with the skills and knowledge to enjoy a more active and healthy lifestyle long after the camp is over. We also want to ensure you get the right support and assistance as and when you need it.To do this, we’ll send you a detailed questionnaire to get to know you before you arrive at one of our camps. We know you want to kick-start your healthier lifestyle, that’s why you’ve signed up for one of our camps, but every camp athlete’s goals will be different. We need to know what these are so we can tailor our advice to your individual needs. Listening: it’s the best way to get the best out of you.Once the week is over, we offer a month of complimentary coaching and check-ins so you feel supported in the real world.Not sure how to shoe-horn outdoor activity into your already busy lifestyle? We’ll design a workout schedule that’ll work with you.
Need an accountability partner at the start of your new eating plan? We’ll keep you company every step of the way.
Want a gentle daily reminder to do your stretches so you start the day feeling energised? There’s a WhatsApp for that.So the month is over - are you ready to take it further?We have a membership service exclusively for camp athletes. We’ll design unique workout schedules for you based on your next set of fitness goals, whether that’s levelling up from walking to hiking, or prepping yourself for a 10km race.Fancy running a marathon? We’ll get you there, no worries.Membership includes weekly workout schedules delivered to your phone, accountability software that helps us track your workouts with you, monthly video calls to keep you motivated, and over-the-phone support whenever you need it.We’re with you every step of the way!However long you Get Out In It with us, our main priority is that you feel confident and empowered. You’re ready to become the best version of yourself.

2023 dates coming soon!

In The Field

We’re out in the field; this is where we come to geek out about all things outdoor, active and healthy.This section of the site imparts the knowledge you need to take your first steps towards a healthier and more active version of yourself.We post frequently, so keep an eye on this section, but any new blogs will be included in your fortnightly email newsletter to make it as easy as possible.Browse our topics below or if there is anything specific you'd like to learn about, give us a shout!

The Benefits Of Being Outdoors

So why Get Out In - all exercise is good exercise, but why are we so focused on being outdoors whenever and however we can?Firstly, being outside naturally promotes exercise - it encourages movement and steps without really having to think about it - you’re just out in it.And being out in it means you’re getting sunlight and helping your body get vitamin D - which is excellent for the immune system, bones and blood cells. You don’t need much, 5-15 mins 2 or 3 times a week in the summer with a bit more in winter.This vitamin D is excellent for the immune system - but there is also evidence that shows there are plant substances, including organic compounds in the air, that tend to immune function. Sunlight also energies T cells in your immune system which help fight infection.It is also shown to help avoid nearsightedness - through exposure to (safe levels) of sunlight but also by working your eyes by letting your eyes move from nearby items to distant ones allowing the eyes to relax. Avoiding staring at a digital screen and letting your eyes do their natural thing.It can lessen anxiety - exercise is great for anxiety but even better outdoors. Sunlight tops up serotonin, helping keep you calm and positive. If you cannot get outside, make sure you have some green pants about whenever you’re training indoors - as these help too.It helps with sleep as your eyes need enough light to get your body’s internal clock working correctly. Sunlight in the morning in particular, is shown to assist with drifting off at night.Nature brings creativity by engaging your attention more calmly and letting your attention refocus. That’s why going out for some fresh air can help if you feel like you cannot make progress with a project or plan.In Japan, they have a term called forest bathing - which relates to spending time in a wooded or forested area to help with your mental health and relieve stress, anxiety and depression.So whatever your goals are - that first step has to be one out the door. Who knows where it might lead?Contact us below for help with personal coaching or to find out about our residential camps in the French Alpes.When you sign up for our newsletter, you get a free copy of our Personal Development Friend to get you going!

The Benefits Of Exercise

Want to know the true secret to longevity, health, and happiness? It is cheap, easy to get started and immediately affects the mind and body.Exercise is the miracle cure we have all been searching for; it is the shortcut, the cheat code, and the thing that can have the most impact on our lives for the longest time.So here is an excellent list for you (taken from the UK’s NHS website) - exercise is scientifically and medically proven to lower the risk of:- coronary heart disease and stroke
- type 2 diabetes
- bowel cancer
- breast cancer in women
- early death
- osteoarthritis
- hip fracture
- falls (among older adults)
- depression
- dementia
That is a hell of a list, and those are just the medical reasons to exercise. Add to that the social element and the fact exercise will get you out of the house trying new things and seeing new places.The beauty of exercise is that to experience some of these benefits; you don't need to do as much as the world of social media might make you think. Try to be active daily and rack up 150 minutes of exercise weekly. Walking briskly counts as exercise, so getting your steps in is a great start to get things moving; then, once you’re moving more than you were, maybe choose a slightly bigger goal and increase the volume of effort weekly.For an activity to be benefiting your health, you need to have a slightly elevated heart rate, be breathing faster and getting a bit warmer, whilst still being able to maintain a conversation.The evidence suggests that the more intense the exercise gets over time, the more health benefits you get - but work up to this with increased weekly effort and advice from fitness professionals.This is not a dress rehearsal, the sooner you start moving and reaping the benefits of increased activity the better you’ll feel. Go get out in it, there is no better time.Contact us below for help with personal coaching or to find out about our residential camps in the French Alpes.When you sign up for our newsletter, you get a free copy of our Personal Development Friend to get you going!

Starting From Scratch

So you’ve decided you want to get active - excellent work, that is probably the most crucial decision you have ever made, and we are so happy to be here to help.The first thing you need to do is be as honest as possible about where you are and what your main goals are. Are you new to movement and exercise, or do you have a level of activity you can build on? Do you have any existing injuries or illnesses that bring their constraints or dictate a particular training method?Whatever your level is, that is the perfect place to start! Do not put unrealistic expectations on yourself, as you’ll do too much too soon, and when you cannot maintain the volume or end up injured or ill.Once you have established where you are, ask yourself where you want to be; are you looking to build up to walking 5km without getting out of breath? Or are you wanting to get out for your first run? Or do you want to increase running mileage without risking injury or illness?You know where you are and where you want to be - now you need to move more than you already do; ideally, spending time outside in nature being active. Even if it is as simple as walking before or after work or taking slightly longer walks a few more times a week than you already do. Look at your starting point as a baseline and gradually increase the amount you move weekly. Ramp things up slowly; give yourself time to adapt.Most importantly - look at your life and decide how much time you have to dedicate to exercise comfortably. If you start moving without the time to do what you want comfortably, you’ll add unnecessary stress to the process and will not sustain it.To begin with, exercise must fit into your schedule easily and with little friction. We must focus on making everything that would get in the way inconsequential and clear the path between you and your new lifestyle.So give yourself time and space and get moving - and get moving. Choose something you enjoy, and don't force yourself down a road you are fighting. Trust the process, and the endorphins will flow - you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll start to feel better.Contact us below for help with personal coaching or to find out about our residential camps in the French Alpes.When you sign up for our newsletter, you get a free copy of our Personal Development Friend to get you going!

Maria - Where I Started

July 2021, James ‘The Ironman’ Bale comes to France for his first post-COVID visit…JB: Ooooh, it’s nice around here. Tomorrow we should go for a run.MH: Ugh. Running? I fucking hate running. But, you know, whatever. I know some nice forest trails…Three months later…MH: We’ve just run a 55km ultramarathon - and didn’t come last, whoop whoop!JB: Is there more beer?rewind sound effectLet’s just back up a minute. Yes, I went from running 0km - 55km in three months. Also yes, I went from hating running to straight-up loving running in three months. But there’s a little bit more to that story. And in case you’re wondering - also also yes, you can definitely reach that level of dedication to your health and fitness in three months too. If I can, anyone can.This is a true story.I never liked running. I liked being outdoors, but I never liked running through it. In fact, every time my outdoors was intruded upon by a runner, all I could think was, “Look at that smug bastard” and flipped them a mental middle finger until they passed me. A knee-jerk reaction for sure, but don’t ask me why I had it every single time, because I don't know the answer.I also had a fun list of reasons why running was bad for you:
- fucks your knees
- fucks your lower back
- walking is just as beneficial without all the high-impact that fucks your body
- nobody likes runners
- running is stupid
and it was a list I swore by to anyone and everyone who’d listen to it.
Now. Outdoors was a whole other matter. I love being outdoors. I’m lucky enough to live in a part of France that’s hilly and covered in trees, and I’ve been hiking through these hills and trees for many, many years.As a non-driver, I’ve also spent those years cycling around these hills as I get on with my daily tasks. So, pre-COVID, I was pretty confident that I was probably more active than the average person thanks to my love of trees and inability to drive.Then COVID shut the planet down for months and all of that outdoors and activity was taken away from me, literally, overnight. Complete lockdown here in France lasted two months. During that time, we were only allowed out for one hour a day to get some exercise. It had quite an impact on my physical and mental well-being. I gained five kilos in weight during those two months, which really made the climbing-the-walls-from-sheer-boredom very difficult. It also made me uncomfortable living inside my own body. I’ve had a tricky relationship with my body ever since my pre-pubescent years anyway, and this weight gain nonsense really wasn’t helping me out.May 2020, and lockdown was finally over. A friend and sports teacher here in France set up a great initiative that summer to help people get over confinement - exercise classes outdoors in parks to promote physical and mental well-being. I started going once a week. The first class was brutal! I very nearly threw up. It was quite the wake-up call. But I kept going. Soon, one class a week wasn’t enough, so I went twice a week. Very soon that became three times a week. During that time I was adding more hikes to my weekly routines, and I was cycling again. The weight was coming off, slowly but surely, and I started to feel even better than I had pre-COVID. More than that, I began to realise that I actually enjoyed doing physical exercise for the sake of it and seeing how far I could push myself during my thrice-weekly sports in the park sessions.For over a year, that was good enough for me, until JB came to visit in July 2021 and suggested we go for a run. I went, a little bit grudgingly because why run when you can just hike? But I took him around a little 5km trail in the woods, and I was surprised by how much it didn’t really suck that much.The next day, we went out on a mammoth 36km hike around the Monts d’Or (mostly so I could show off my extraordinary knowledge of the trails in this region) and that’s when JB, in a throw-away comment, said “I reckon you’d be good at ultramarathons.”It was an intriguing notion - not least because I’d never heard the word before (although the ‘marathon’ part didn’t escape my notice, and everyone knows only complete lunatics run marathons). But also because, yesterday's 5km run notwithstanding, I had no intention of becoming a long distance runner.But after JB went back to the UK, I carried on running on my own around the trails near my house, and I was surprised to find that, in only a few weeks, I was running 10km… Then 15km. Not flat runs either; hilly runs. There’s barely any flat where I live. Without realising it, I’d suddenly become one of those smug bastards — and I loved it! (But probably not as much as my friends enjoyed saying, “But you’ve always hated running!”)
Soon enough, I discovered that trail running was a very popular sport around here and that, just next door to me in the Beaujolais, there was an annual ultramarathon event! I told JB I wanted to do it, and he agreed to coach me through a training schedule in order to get me to the start line.
Not gonna lie, it was a gruelling task at times, and involved more than just running crazy long distances at weekend. There was threshold training, speed intervals, hills repeats, strength training (which I still grumble about doing to this day). But despite all of that, I was still doing two classes of sports in the park a week, and my weekly sessions of yoga that I’d started back in 2017. I didn’t have a lot of spare time left in my week, but I was fascinated by how much my body could endure, and was beginning to love my new-found strength and stamina. The sense of well-being and peace running gave me totally made up for the early mornings, rainy days and muscle soreness that training brings.And it got me over the finish line of my first ever ultramarathon just three months after my first ever run.
I’ve run a lot of races since then, and this year’s ultramarathon is an 80km beast, which I’m super excited about!
So let your one take-away from this post be this: ordinary people really can achieve extraordinary levels of health and fitness.Now go and Get Out In It!*Coaches note: I have never been more proud of anyone than I am of Maria Herring. To go from a 5km run to an ultra in three months, and to do it well with proper training and conditioning, blew my mind. She continues to impress me every day through her work ethic and willingness to try new things. She is the distillation of what Get Out In It is about, and it is a privilege to have her in my life. Jb

Career Management

More Than An Agency

Get Out In It was formed to be something different, bringing our years of experience together with some of the most talented athletes in the world to help grow community and inspire others to move!We love helping people do what they love and be able to make a life out of it - we are driven by a desire to see our community thrive and grow with expert guidance and constant support.We understand how important your journey is and what it takes to get you there - we are on call 24/7 so you can fully focus on your day-to-day as we develop business opportunities and maximise your potential to inspire.We offer a range of services:

  • Athlete management

  • Commercial endorsements and sponsorships

  • Consultancy

  • Media and PR

We are not a standard sports agency - for us, relationships are key and we only work with those that we believe understand the importance of getting out in it and inspiring others to do the same!So if your livelihood is sports and/or adventure then drop us an email and we'll do all we can to elevate your journey!